Saturday, April 20, 2024

Posts on the blog's Facebook page

This, like its twins on the other blogs, is a list of all the posts made on the blog's Facebook page (as if the title didn't make that clear :) ), with an indication of their contents. I'm quite surprised I never made one back when I was still posting here.

  1. Post notice for Introduction and Blog Index, posted 27/4/2018 11:50; post dated 27/4/18 12:16;
  2. Post notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans, posted 28/4/2018 18:24; post dated 28/4/18 18:30;
  3. Edit notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans: Made one correction and three additions, 28/4/2018 23:01; post dated 28/4/18 23:02;
  4. Post notice for Sets and Relations: a leap of abstraction, posted 24/5/2018 17:40; post dated 24/5/18 18:13;
  5. Edit notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans: Expanded the end, 3/6/2018 16:49; post dated 4/6/18 10:55;
  6. Edit notice for Sets and Relations: a leap of abstraction: Made some tweaks and added a definition (actually expanded a definition to contain another one), 28/6/18 19:08; «PS Don't worry, I will soon post my monthly post, I just had some holdups lately. In fact I plan to ready many drafts so I can post more regularly in the near future. Then my PhD will probably hold me up a lot»; post dated 28/6/18 19:12;
  7. Edit notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans: Made a number of changes, 28/6/18 22:21; post dated 28/6/18 22:21;
  8. Edit notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans: Did quite a few tweaks, 29/6/18 8:49; «A new round of tweaks will be carried out later today»; post dated 29/6/18 8:50;
  9. Edit notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans: As announced, the second round of tweaks has been carried out, 29/6/18 15:52; post dated 29/6/18 15:53;
  10. Edit notice for Linear Algebra: Vector Space Shenanigans: Added Fact 1 and the "another simple thing" before it, 29/6/18 16:10; post dated 29/6/18 16:10;
  11. Edit notice for Sets and Relations: a leap of abstraction: Added more on Banach-Tarski, 30/6/18 10:57; «A round of tweaks is probably coming up later today»; post dated 30/6/18 10:58;
  12. Edit notice for Sets and Relations: a leap of abstraction: The Fundamental Lemma should now be fixed, 30/6/18 16:03; «Actually took another retouch at 16:12 to have all the necessary details in, but now it works»; post dated 30/6/18 16:03;
  13. Edit notice for Introduction and Blog Index: «I looked at the index and thought an edit was in order», «Edited 30/6/18 16:37. / Um yeah, just realized no spoiler was there, made it appear at 16:46»; post dated 30/6/18 16:38;
  14. Post notice for Functions, Induction, Cardinality, Ordinals: more abstract set-theoretical stuff, posted 24/7/18 20:46; «At fucking last guys! Enhoy this megameter of shtuff!»;
    Also, Edit notice for Introduction and Blog Index: «Also, index update at 20:51 where I added this post and an "UPDATE" saying I revoke my promise to post once a month because these posts take far too long to write, but keep the title cos it's too cool to abandon 🙂.»; post dated 24/7/18 21:01;
  15. Edit notice for Functions, Induction, Cardinality, Ordinals: more abstract set-theoretical stuff: Fixed a couple mistakes in the "union of ordinals" part of the proof of Theorem 16, 28/7/18 00:23; post dated 28/7/18 00:30;
    1. Posts on the blog's Facebook page, 20/4/24 16:11.
    2. Related index update: 20/4/24 16:16.
    3. EDIT: Added bracketed comments, paragraph broke the first part and made the bulleted list, and fixed 247572018 to 24/5/2018, all at Introduction and blog index, 20/4/24 15:49.
    «Related Facebook page post update (i.e. update of the new post here): 20/4/24 16:19», 20/4/24 16:16.

Introduction and blog index

Yes, I am the same guy as the one who runs Artistic Translations of Poetry and Songs . That is my hobby: fiddling with languages and a tad o...